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Jack Haigis Film / TV Editor




Malik Yoba


Stacey Dash


Jim Gaffigan


Aasif Mondvi


Sheryl Lee Ralph


Rhonda Ross Kendricks


Delilah Cotto


Monteria Ivey


Michelle Hurd


Drena De Niro


Joie Lee


Angela Bullock


Rosalyn Coleman

 Malik Yoba (EMPIRE) is a writer assigned to go on 30 dates in 30 days for an article on finding love and learns more about himself and love than he had planned.


"Hook'd Up " ( Personals ), Romantic Comedy. Artisan.

Starring: Malik Yoba, Stacey Dash, Jim Gaffigan, Aasif Mondvi.

Personals Co., Inc., NY

Prods: J. Boyce Harman, G. Van Der Meer, J. Milano.

Director: Michael Sargent.
